It is too basic to look at Starship's massive payload capacity and low cost per kg and draw conclusions from those numbers alone. I like to think of Starship and how it will work as a scaled-up Falcon 9, but magnified x10.

Falcon 9 can already deploy large constellations quickly, but so far it hasn't been launch capacity that has held most companies back. Falcon 9 can already deploy fairly large structures cheaply, but we don't see them very often, at least not yet. Falcon 9 can already carry payloads into space, but that is rarely done.

Certainly Starship will change the market significantly by pushing what is possible with access to space, but its only one of the factors. It is a prerequisite, but not in itself sufficient.

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The StarShip vehicle (including all stages) is nowhere near the size of the Eiffel Tower πŸ˜€ There might be a confusion between meters and feet

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