Thanks for the article! I have always dreamed of flying to space. Could you cover next time how how medical requirements for space tourists evolve over time and what technologies enable this democratization:)

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a very good article - summarises it really well

As for the Moon Flyby, factually Tito is 3rd line after Isaacman's Polaris and Maezava's Dear Moon - whoever will fly first (if any at all) is hard to tell.

Blue Origin suborbital flight ticket has been recently deduced to cost approx $1.2mln/seat, Vrigin Galactic is booking at $450K/seat

Virgin Galactic passengers technically were not tourists, but company personnel.

Fingers crosses for the first SpaceX Starship orbital flight. That would be a true game-changer. If Elon can drop the cost to LEO from $3,000-4,500/kg to $20-100/kg that will be a revolution in space

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Thank you Mikhail !

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